

My sweetheart and I are going to Hawai'i at the end of the month. I gave Cody carte blanche to kick my ass and make said ass just a little bit tighter before I head out with my adorable swim suit. He accepted the challenge with glee. Secretly sadistic glee.

This is now what I think during workouts:

"bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini i hate cody bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini ..."

Aww, Cody. Don't cry, I was just teasing. Here, eat this cheese ... it'll make you feel better.

Geez-o-flip. Now I want cheese.

bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini bikini

1 Comment:

Cody Moss said...

Sadistic, me!? No, just a personal trainer. Peggy, I understand if you hate me while I am having you do you 15th Burpie (If you don't know what a Burpie is, be glad). However as you said with your last post, "...by the end of the day, it's forgotten." You're hatred for me is short lived but your results from that elicited emotion will last a lifetime. One ran mile, you're doing great Peggy! Now excuse me while I go wash down this cheese with some whiskey.